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Lenten Bible Study Please Join Us!
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Fr. Kevin Reilly

Sonya Manley
Rectory Office Hours
Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday,
10:00am - 3:00pm
CLOSED Wednesdays
Daily Mass
Weekday Mass is celebrated at 12:05pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
NO Mass on Wednesday.

+Confession - Mondays during Lent 5:00pm-6:00pm Saturdays 4:00pm-4:45pm
+Weekend Masses (usual schedule)
Saturday 5:oopm, Sunday 8:30am and 10:15am
+Stations of the Cross - Fridays - 7:00pm (Confessions to follow)
Holy Week
+Chrism Mass - Wednesday, April 16 -
Cathedral in Norwich, 10:30am
+Holy Thursday - April 17 -
Mass of the Lord's Supper - 7:00pm
+Good Friday - April 18 -
Passion of the Lord - 3:00pm (Confessions to follow) Stations of the Cross - 7:00pm (Confessions to follow)
+Holy Saturday - April 19 -
Easter Vigil - 8:00pm
+Easter Sunday - April 20 -
Masses 8:30am & 10:15am
(Easter Monday - April 21 - No Mass)
2025 Lenten Mass & Reconciliation Times
+Ash Wednesday - March 5
Masses at 12:05pm & 7:00pm
+Weekday Masses - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 12:05pm

Please join us in
every Monday from
and on the First Friday
of every month after the
12:05pm Mass until 1:30pm and
on the First Monday of every month from 5:00pm-6:00pm

Rite of Calling
St. Patrick Cathedral
Archbishop Blair
Please keep in your prayers St. Patrick's candidates for full communion with the
Catholic Church.
We are overjoyed to welcome: Andrew Ely, Cameron Taylor, Tasia Plunkett, & James Tringate (not pictured). We look forward to the Easter Vigil to celebrate!

St. Patrick Church Organ in need of repair
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Holy Cross Community
Faith Sharing
(more info)

Forward in Faith
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There are seven sacraments in the Church: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony.
Learn more about how to serve the parish through Faith Formation, participation during Mass and other events and ministries.
Learn about our ways in which we can help our community. We also provide enriching activities for everyone wishing to get involved.
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