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Parish Center November Update

Building Committee

The Parish Fair on October 1 was an enjoyable time for children and adults. The Outreach Committee did an outstanding job to organize it with games and food, music and raffle items. It was an opportunity for parishioners to socialize. Lots of candy and pizza and face-painting!

It is activities like these that we look forward to experiencing in our New Center. While there is a delay in putting out bids for construction work (blaming Hurricane Ian!), we still have a chance to comment on flooring possibilities. Flooring samples are in the small office off the foyer of the Center. Your input is welcomed.

As Father mentioned recently at church, the church’s stained-glass windows need to be fixed before the Center demolition can take place. They have been in need of refurbishment for many, many years. We expect this work will take place in February 2023. Along with preserving the stained-glass windows in the sides of the church, two new stained-glass windows will be replaced in the sanctuary. They will be restored to a style that will match the original windows.

If you would like to be part of the window restoration project, please consider a pledge of $20,000/window ($333/month for 5 years). Pledges have already been received for the two sanctuary windows and one of the side windows.

We are getting close to the funding level that we need for our Center project. Fr. Kevin appreciates the sacrifice the parish has made since the start of this project and he is asking our continued support with a goal of 100% parishioner participation at whatever sacrificial level each of us can do.

Fr. Kevin is suggesting those who have made pledges in the past, to please extend that pledge for another two years. For example, if you pledged $10,000 over a five year period ($2,000/year/ $167/month), please consider a new pledge of $4,000 over two years ($167/month).

Those who have not yet contributed to this important project, which will impact all parishioners for generations to come, please consider a multi-year pledge. Every dollar contributed is a dollar less that we'll have to borrow.

Pledge forms are in the church pews, or you can donate online at our parish website.

Thank you for your continued support,

St Patrick Building Committee

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